November 5, 2010


For those dedicated Pioneers who made a habit of stumbling out of bed at the predawn hours to find their way to the gym before each rally—this one is for you.  It seems unlikely that Friday’s would be the day of the week throughout the year in which students would awaken the earliest—but hey, rallies are on Fridays. At 6:00 a.m., the gym opens to those intrepid souls who work to prepare their class’ section for the 10:00 rally. With about an hour and half to accomplish such a task—technique is everything.

For years now, students have painted posters outside the gym carefully ignoring the designated “paint zone” to accidently spill paint on nearby poles and benches. The paint used by the classes comes from the local big-box hardware store in somewhat of a Faustian bargain—“take it all for free, or take none of it.” This proved to be a fairly good deal for the hardware store to rid themselves of the “mistake” paint,--now public schools would assume the fate for all this paint and risk being declared a superfund site. Until recently, classes would compete to get to the hardware store first, to get the best stuff. But, when the school became less competitive on an inter-class basis, administrators breathed a sigh of relief.  The four classes sharing their paint may seem like blasphemy to the alums of the 80’s and 90’s, be that’s how Tino rolls today. This collective act of spirit and sensibility, has reduced the amount of paint that consumes the dreaded paint patio.

But painting the posters is only half the battle. On the brisk mornings of rally day, students have employed some nifty tricks to hang their creative works. As far as memory serves, students would fasten duct tape to the corners of each of their posters, carefully poking a grommet-like hole in the corner. Next, a strategically long piece of string was attached and lastly, a shoe.

A shoe? 

While some shoes work better than others, the shoe provided the needed weight to let gravity make Newton proud. Typically, the burliest of guys, or any baseball or water polo player, would be given the responsibility of hurling the shoe up and over the mechanisms that helped open vents at the very top of the gym on hot days. As their classmates cheered them on, it was expected that it would take at least “3 tries” to get the shoe over the bar and have it drop within reach of an awaiting student. Of course, many freshman classes learned their lesson about allowing for enough slack in their string. If the shoe got stuck, students would use the pole (with a hook on the end) to jar it loose and try again. That hook was the same one used to turn on the gym’s 1950’s era heaters.  The shoes served the students well for many years, but with shoes getting stuck and students climbing basket supports and the walls to retrieve them, a new way was needed. It truly is a miracle that no student was seriously hurt for the school’s first 50 years.

While it may anger some to know that the current way of hanging rally posters came from rival Monta Vista High School. It’s really an ingenious concept:  fasten a coat hanger to the ends and middle of the poster with (yes) duct tape and use poles to lift the poster into position along a wire that spans the length of the gym. The wire, positioned slightly lower than the support poles used in the past, makes the posters slightly smaller and easier to display.

The heroes of the morning are those who bring donuts, juice, and energy. Where each class may have up to about 50 participants, it is still common to have a handful of students sit and watch the others work. Call it a lack of delegation or ineffective leadership, but it could be simply explained by the aforementioned donuts and juice.  Nevertheless, they are there as are the weary class advisors assigned to supervise and find scissors.

As the 2010’s get under way, balloon arches are certainly in vogue. School colors are secondary to theme colors and the gym is absolutely packed on rally day. Most rallies start with a short video to set the scene, something that would have been impossible years earlier. The Alma Mater is performed, but it may as well be in Latin. Today’s rallies are also much less formulaic than in years past—as the ASB has opened the event to a wider variety of student groups and interests. Historically, sports has been the most common theme of rallies but are now school-based and have never been better.

As the school expects to get bigger over the next five years and welcomes an additional 400 to 500 students—will it be long before the rallies are held on the new football field?  And if so, what will that mean for our shoes?

August 7, 2010

August 5, 2010

Episodes #1 and #2 are ready!

The first two installments of the Cupertino High School History Podcast Series are up and ready for you to access. Episode #1 is an introduction to the series, sharing a brief history of the origins of CHS and also features a Q & A session with questions supplied by current CHS students.

June 24, 2010

The CHS History Podcast series is coming soon!

The first two installments of the CHS History Podcast series are currently in production. My hope is to have these podcasts available before the end of the summer. You can also become a follower and find out the moment they are available. Episode #1 will introduce the series and briefly discuss the school's founding. It will also answer questions submitted by current students. Episode #2 will profile the Class of 2010's Kenya Dream project and SuperProm. If you have any ideas for future podcasts, I would love to hear them.